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The Story Behind


My name is Alexis Im and I'm 17 years old, co-founder of Serve It Up X.  Playing volleyball since 7th grade, somewhere along the way, I discovered girls my age were not playing the sport for any variety or combination of reasons: accessibility, exclusivity, affordability. 


This did not sit well with me. 


I understand that volleyball is not as popular as some of the other team sports but could that unpopularity be tied more to accessibility, exclusivity and affordability rather than a true choice not to play?  For a game that has become so intricately woven into the fabric of my life, a sport that has taught me so many valuable lessons that I would not have learned in a classroom, I want to create that space to present a choice to let the athlete choose the sport and not have the sport choose who gets to play.    

Play hard, play well. Practice makes permanent.

Call the ball. Keep your eye on the ball.

Learn everyone's position.

Endurance is mental.

Losing builds character.  Winning feels amazing.

Communality. Life. Family.


If you're a club, athlete or a church group, join me on the court; create opportunities with me in growing the game of volleyball and family of players making it accessible to anyone and everyone who is wanting to play.  It takes sacrifice and the passionate concern of dedicated individuals to collectively make a difference. 

Grow the game.  Serve it up.

Alexis Im

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